
built using

Phoenix v1.7.12

Support For Data Center Based Distributed Computing

Stephen M. Reaves



Notes about Lesson 13 of CS-7210

Required Readings



Fall off of Moore’s law leads to specialization and heterogeneity compute

Disaggregation := independently scaled tiers of different resources

What is RDMA

Remote Direct Memory Access

Bypass CPU involvement in data access via interconnect

Higher bandwidth and lower latency, but higher cost per port

Two sided RDMA

One sided RDMA

RDMA Specialized RPC

One sided RDMA is faster, but needs a redesign

Instead we can create a new type of RPC that leverages RDMA features

What If Memory Is Persistent

Intel Optane was Byte-Addressable Persistent Memory (PMEM)

Persistent data operations require flush to persistent memory


Pools of network attached but independently scaled resources

Not new, but easier with faster interconnects and smarter devices

Disaggregating CPU and Memory with LegoOS

Colocate Virtual Memory System onto MMU instead of CPU

Cache misses now have to go over the network which is much slower and latent

LegoOS Select Experimental Result

Prototype implemented in emulation

Monolithic servers, but all but some resources ignored

Controllers implemented in Linux

Connected via RDMA network, communicated via RPC

Actual system designs:

Baseline Comparisons:


LegoOS was much better