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Stephen M. Reaves



Notes about Lecture 2c for CS-6210


Exokernel Approach to Extensibility

Kernel exposes hardware explicitly to extensions living above it

Decouple authorization of hardware from use

Binds library requests to hardware resources

Examples of Candidate Resources

If everything needed an access key, performance would tank due to excess validation. So we limit what needs a key to some examples:

Implementing Secure Bindings

3 Methods:

Default Core Services in Exokernel

Revocation of Resources

Exokernel has capability to revoke resources

Exokernel Data Structures

Exokernel maintains state on every Library OS that is running

Exokernel is basically a large event-handler

Performance of SPIN and Exokernel

SPIN and Exokernel are faster than MACH and as fast as monolithic kernels