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Edge Computing And IoT

Stephen M. Reaves



Notes about Lesson 17 of CS-7210

Required Readings



Tiers in Computing

Demand for lower latency drives compute towards where data is collected

Clouds -> Cloudlets (luggable, vehicular, mini-datacenter) -> IOT (drones, security cameras, smartphones) -> RFID tags

Why Edge Computing

Newer workloads (HD Video, AR/VR, SmartCity & Automation) increase demand for bandwidth-intensive and latency-sensitive systems.

Working from home also shifts connectivity needs.

Closing the Latency-Bandwidth Gap

5G helps, but might be too little, too late.

Transitioning to newer software stacks has been traditionally slow, but is getting faster due to trends of Open Source Software and commodity hardware.

Moving computation to the closer to devices at the users is called edge computing.

Is Edge Computing New

CDNs have existed for a long time. CDNs are basically just caches, and still don’t hit the scale of edge computing.

Edge Computing Drivers

Distributed Edge Computing

Edge != Cloud

Scale and geo-distribution are different

Chatty protocols are not appropriate

Edge is not elastic

Mobility, device churn, reliability


Localization, contextualization


IoT and Distributed Transactions

Smart devices -> edge gateways -> Cloud

Physical state != application state


High level programming abstraction and model

        [sensorList, timeWindow, sensingPolicyt],

onSuccess() and onFailure() methods

Provide atomic durability of actuations

Transactuation Invariants

Evaluation of Transactuations

Evaluation Questions:


ApplicationOriginal AppOriginal App + ConsistencyTransactuations
Rise and Shine7219568
Whole house fan2917626
Thermostat auto off7019868