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Distributed BFS

Stephen M. Reaves



Notes about Lecture 10 for CS-6220

Required Readings



Graphs and Adjacency Matrices

To turn a graph into an adjacency matrix:

  1. Give each vertex an integer label
  2. Create a matrix to represent the graph
  3. For any edge going from i to j, A[i][j] = true/1

Matrix for an undirected graph is symmetric

For n vertices and m edges, the array will be of size nxn with 2m non-zeroes

Matrix based BFS

Start with some starting node S, an add all its neighbors to frontier 1. Iterate through frontier 1 and add all of its unvisited neighbors to frontier 2, etc.

For any unvisited node i, there is a given frontier L, if there are any edges from frontier to i, we should update i’s distance.

For any frontier (vector), does i have any 1’s in the corresponding locations, if so, we can update another vector to record this.

edge ji    aji=1 \text{edge } j \rightarrow i \implies a_{ji} = 1

u[i]j=1n(fjaji) u[i] \leftarrow \bigvee_{j=1}^{n}\left( f_j \land a_{ji} \right)

This is just a boolean matrix-vector product

uATf u \leftarrow A^T \cdot f

for-all ui = 1 and di = inf do
  di <- l + 1
  fi <- 1

1D Distributed BFS

  1. Partition columns of A and entries of U by p processes
  2. Compute uATf u \leftarrow A^T \cdot f
  3. Update local distances
  4. Identify local vertices of the next frontier
  5. All-to-all, exchange frontier

O(αP+β) O\left( \alpha \cdot P + \beta \ldots \right)

2D Distributed BFS

O(αP+β) O\left( \alpha \cdot \sqrt{P} + \beta \ldots \right)